Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Kind of Posts Would You Like?

What kinds of things would you like me to research and cover on this blog. Please comment below.


  1. Hello, Rookie, I wondered if you could comment on the Mountain Meadow Masacre and whether the prophet (church leadership) was aware, or sanctioned it. This seems to be a concern to some and something I'd like to be more informed about in order to answer those concerns.

  2. what is it like to be a former putter? can you explain the lizard chronicles and why on god's green earth would anyone in the church pay money for a forgery? was it to cover something up?

  3. These are both great comments. I'll be glad to prepare something on them soon. Stay tuned and I'll do my best.

  4. Even though, I'm an ex-Mormon, and very happy about my decision to leave the church many years ago, I very much like what you are doing here. I happened upon your site by accident when clicking on "Next Blog."

    In my mind one of the most difficult church doctrines to defend would be the stance on the status of "blacks" practiced by the church until 1978.

    Kind Regards,

  5. Thank you for the suggestion. I will get to work on that in the near future.
