Friday, November 13, 2009

Four Different Versions of The First Vision

It is accepted by both critics and advocates that there are four versions of the First Vision that can be attributed to the prophet Joseph Smith: an 1832 edition, an 1835 version, the 1838 account that is found in the Pearl of Great Price, and the Wentworth Letter. Naturally each version has slight differences between them as would be expected by anyone who has ever told a story twice.

Police love to get witnesses to write down their testimony when they are interviewed. The reason behind this is that they want them to be on record with what they saw happen. If they change their story at any time, they can use the original recorded version to then impeach them. Opposing lawyers love it when witnesses change their stories as they can also use it to impeach a witness. In preparation for testifying in court, an attorney does their level best to make sure that the witness does not do what is normally natural - tell the story differently. They go over their recorded testimony and coach them on how to tell the same story without repeating the same words exactly. It takes effort and it takes practice.

Joseph Smith did not live in our modern litigious world. He recorded what happened four different times and predictably there are differences. An honest investigator expects there to be differences. Identical stories would be more suspicious than ones that different modestly. Our critics say that these differences disprove the prophet. In our next few posts we will address the different accounts; point out where they differ from the version found in the Pearl of Great Price, and examine whether these differences are normal, or are they evidence of someone trying to pull off a hoax. We will cover it completely (and it will take a lot of posts to do this) and you will be the judge at the end - are our critics being fair, or are they "straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel"? Stay tuned!


  1. " make sure that the witness does not do what is normally natural - tell the story differently."

    what? comparing a victim/witness of crime with emotional trauma vs. a prophet with a vision is apple to oranges. recalling the truth is simple and not "normally natural" to have different versions. blind faith trumps logic and for you.

  2. Anyone who has had a spiritual experience, and shared it more than once, will tell the exact same story differently. It has happened to me and to many people I know. To expect otherwise is to "strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel."

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  5. I really should proof read these things before posting. Sorry about all the revisions.

    Anonymous post #1,

    Do you mean to state that when you were a 15 year old boy, that if God the Father and His son Jesus Christ appeared before your very eyes that you would not be in total, utter emotional trauma and shock? I think that above all other mind blowing events in my life, (even as an adult), that would top the cake! I'm sure that moment while burned into the young Joseph's mind , probably flew by rather quickly. Anyone who has experienced either a spiritual moment of significance, or even a moment where your mortality is called into question, would all agree that they will never forget those moments, but the details are fuzzy; especially as time moves on.

    As to your comment on faith: Faith is not blind so long as it is based on truth. It is not to have a perfect knowledge of these truths, because that would be logic/knowledge. Faith is a hope in something that is true; a hope that that truth will be made knowledge one day. The Book of Mormon is the fruit provided for the prophet Joseph, and it is before you to test.

    Read a pray about The Book of Mormon and you too can know through faith, with a hope of one day knowing without a doubt, that it is true and that Joseph was a prophet called by God. It is this hope, faith and belief that I have.
