Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Miracle

From the 1969 New Era we learn about a miracle regarding a bodyguard of the Prophet, Heber J. Grant.

Performance of duty, regardless of the sacrifice involved, is a part of dealing justly with oneself and others. Early in the history of this valley Joseph W. McMurrin was placed in charge of guarding some of the leaders of the Church. At a meeting in Social Hall in Salt Lake City, an intruder under a claim of authority tried to enter the hall; and Joseph W. McMurrin, being true to his trust to guard the servants of the Lord, restrained him from going through the door.

President Heber J. Grant relates that the intruder 'finally got his hand loose and took his pistol and, pressing it against Brother McMurrin's body, fired two bullets . . . through his vitals. Those bullets lodged just under the skin in his back.

He was attended by Dr. Joseph Benedict who told Joseph W. McMurrin that no man could live after two bullets had passed through his vitals, and then added: "If you wish to make a dying statement you should do so immediately."

I went with John Henry Smith to Brother McMurrin's home and saw where the flesh was burned away around those terrible gaping wounds. I saw where the bullets had gone clear through him. I heard John Henry Smith say, "By the authority of the Priesthood of the living God which we hold, and in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, we say that you shall be made absolutely whole, and that there shall be no physical weakness left upon your body because of these terrible wounds that you have received while guarding the servants of the living God." '

On November 21, 1931, President Grant concluded, 'Joseph W. McMurrin is alive and well, and has never had any physical weakness because of those terrible wounds.'

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