Monday, August 3, 2009

More on the Pew Report

Deseret News has an interesting point of emphasis in an article Study Finds LDS Politically Conservative. I brought up the Pew Report a few days ago in another post but my point of emphasis was on a different aspect of the report. In this article it points out that only 68% of Mormons oppose homosexuality. How can that be? Aren't the scriptures pretty clear on the viewpoint of divinity relative to homosexuality?

On a related note. Since our Father in Heaven's plan is all about families, eternal families, is it possible that his opposition to homosexuality has nothing to do with the sexual acts themselves; rather that homosexuality is the exact opposite of his purposes for His children? My personal belief (please note my name is not Monson, so feel free to disagree) is that that is the reason for the seriousness of sexual sin - it is in opposition to our Heavenly Father's plan more so than things like breaking the Word of Wisdom or the Law of Tithing. Those things are wrong, but they are not exactly OPPOSITE of the plan, and therefore less serious.

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