Sunday, August 9, 2009


One of the signs of divine investiture of authority has always been the gift of prophecy. Joseph Smith had this gift in abundance as did Heber C. Kimball. The reason this is so significant is that only God knows the future and it is impossible for an ordinary human to predict what will happen with any degree of accuracy.

Not all prophets prophesy. John the Baptist was one of the greatest prophets according to the Savior, yet we have no record of him offering a single prophecy. So we are not suggesting that it is a mandatory gift for a prophet to have, only that when one does have the gift, it is evidence of divine authority.

People like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus never pass this test because of their numerous predictions that did not come true. Also, they tended to use vague word choices that could be interpreted any number of ways. This is especially true for Nostradamus. That is the same game that modern psychics play.

In coming weeks I intend to cover prophecy by sharing some of the less well-known prophecies of Joseph Smith, and also addressing some of the "failed prophecies" that our enemies claim.

Hat tip to Mark Giles.


  1. I am anxious to hear more about the "failed" prophecies as I have a friend who now claims to be agnostic as a result of what he considers to be a failed prophecy in the D&C. I know of what he speaks, but cannot refer you to it. I have an opinion, but will wait for more insight as you add it. Thank you for these informative blogs.

  2. I will start working on several of them and post them ASAP.
